Thank you to our $200 Club Participants and Winners!
Thank you to our $200 Club Participants and Winners!
They say it only takes one ticket…But these 43 $200 Club participants know the value of contributing $200 and getting 40 tickets in the annual MVMF drawing barrel. All of our winners in 2015 came from our $200 club participants! Thank you for your generosity and congratulations to Dr. Anna Davies for winning the Camera package, Dr. Peter Poss the laptop computer and Dr. Dave Linn the 55” LED TV. Dr. Brent Born was the recipient of his $200 returned to him, thanks to an anonymous donor who not only is a $200 Club contributor, but always gives an additional $200 so one $200 Club participant can win their $ back. Our MVMF drawing helped raise close to $9,000 for the MVMF! Thank you!
2015 - $200 Club
- Dr. Jerry Sprau
- Dr. John Baillie
- Dr. Jennifer Blair
- Dr. Brent Born
- Dr. Robert Dietl
- Dr. Thomas Dougherty
- Dr. Paul Draheim
- Dr. Pierce Fleming
- Dr. Ken Greiner
- Dr. John Howe
- Dr. Sharon Hurley
- Dr. George Krienke
- Dr. Dave Linn
- Dr. Mike McMenomy
- Ms. Rachel Mensink
- Dr. Holly Neaton
- Dr. Dick Olson
- Mr. James Ostlund
- Dr. Peter Poss
- Dr. Deb Reed
- Dr. Donald Sime
- Dr. Annie Winsor
- Dr. Jim Winsor
- Dr. Jim Wood
- Dr. Michael Hodgman
- Dr. Brittney Brock
- Dr. Bennett Porter
- Dr. Tom Hagerty
- Dr. Dave Brewer
- Dr. Jim Nelson
- Ms. Julie Legred
- Ms. Anna Kieselbach
- Dr. David Wetherill
- Dr. Ann Valenti
- Dr. John Lillie
- Dr. Dave Spong
- Dr. Gala Beckendorf
- Dr. Mary Olson
- Dr. Ginger Garlie
- Dr. Kathy Brown Brockway
- Dr. Anna Davies
- Dr. Connie Sillerud
- Ms. Linda Spengler