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Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation's 26th Annual Silent Auction Needs Your Donations

Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation's 26th Annual Silent Auction Needs Your Donations

Opens for bidding on Thursday 9 am - Friday 7:30 pm

 Pick-up Silent Auction Items by Saturday morning

Support the MVMF and bid on the Silent Auction items at the Annual Meeting.  Many fantastic items to bid on!

Some ideas for Silent Auction item donations are:

  • Do a theme basket from your clinic/hospital/organization and involve the entire staff!
  • Contact a local business or vendor representative you have a connection with for a unique donation.
  • How about a week at your cabin or favorite resort gift certificate.
  • Season Ticket Holders - do you have tickets to a professional/college sporting event you can donate?
  • Is there an artist or hobbyist in your clinic with an item to contribute? 

If you're not attending the convention, call us at 651-645-7533 and we'll arrange to get you donation (Metro Area). 

 Please fill out the donation form online or complete your donation PDF form and send to

Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation,

101 Bridgepoint Way, Suite 100, S. St. Paul,

MN 55075  

Phone: 651-645-7533 Fax: 651-645-7539

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