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Grant Requests funded in 2016 by the MVMF

Grant Requests Funded in 2016 by the MVMF

The MVMF received a total of 22 grant requests to review at their April 13, 2016 meeting.  After careful review and discussion by MVMF board members, 20 grant requests were funded by the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation for a total of $61,500. In addition, veterinary technician grants totaling $8,000 were approved.

For a historical look at all the requests the MVMF has funded since its inception in 1990, see our website.  Thank you for your support of the MVMF!  Over the years your support has helped us give over $1,200,000, and this past February we approved $48,000 in scholarships to our veterinary students!

The following were approved for 2016 grants:

Organization                                                              Funded               

Animal Folks Cruelty Manuals                                     $1,000                  

BART                                                                        $5,000                  

Carrie Howe (vet. student travel)                                  $ 500                   

Chanhassen High School (feral cat shelters)                 $ 350                   

CVM, Research Training (summer scholar program)      $500                   

Equitarian Initiative (Hondurus)                                    $ 500                   

Foundation for Veterinary Dentistry Conference             $6,000

Student Travel Grants                                                 $2,000                  

Minnesota 4H Fdn.                                                     $3,000                  

MN FFA Fdn.                                                             $3,000                  

MN Vet. Med. Reserve Corps                                      $2,000

MNVPMN (Practice Mgrs. program)                             $3,000                  

Miracle of Birth Exhibit                                               $12,500                    

MVMA CE Committee                                                $ 4,500                    

SIRVS (Student Indian Reservation project)                 $ 4,000                

Surgery Suite Exhibit                                                 $ 5,000                    

VetCamp (high school vet. education)                         $ 6,000                  

SCAVMA Dog Olympics                                            $ 2,000                    

Veterinary History Museum                                        $ 500                     

VeTouch (vet. student clinical training)                        $ 2,500                   

MVMA/MVMF Student Rep.                                       $ 500                      

TOTAL                                                                     $63,500  

Technician Scholarships

Ridgewater College Technician Scholarships (2 @ $1,000)           $2,000


      Argosy College Technician Scholarships (2 @ $1,000)                 $2,000                   

      Rochester RCTC (2 @ $1,000)                                                   $2,000

      Globe Education Network (2 @ $1,000)                                       $2,000

A total of $56,000 in scholarships and $61,500 in grant requests were funded in 2016 for a total of $117,500.

MVMF fundraising activities as well as individual gifts or gifts to the Legacy Society through estates allow the foundation to continue its support of veterinary student education and the many important grant programs and activities that are listed above.  If you would like to receive more information about making a gift to the foundation please contact the MVMA office at 651-645-7533 or


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