Thanks to everyone who attended our Wine Tasting!!
A great time was had by all on June 9, as a Gateway Bank sponsored wine event found animal advocates noshing, sipping wine samples and chatting with friends of MVMF June 9 at the Wine Market in Mendota Heights.
Our host, Tom Keim of the Wine Market, poured wine samples, and MVMF board committee members, Maria O’Connor Vetscher, Linda Spengler, Karen Miller and Dr. Michael McMenomy welcomed guests and passed treats. A big Thank You to this wonderful committee from the MVMF board, which includes Dr. Caron Rodman, and our wonderful volunteer, Hilary Baskin from the University of Minnesota.
This is the first of a series of MVMF events to introduce animal advocates and the general public to the mission of the Foundation. Attending were veterinary professionals as well as clients of clinics.
Linda Spengler spoke to the crowd about the mission of MVMF and its work with the Miracle of Birth Center, scholarships and grants, and Bruce Maxwell from Gateway Bank introduced himself and the bank, which is located a few blocks from the Wine Market. Another anonymous friend of MVMF sponsored the event as well.
Watch and the MVMA News for information on our next event.
New on the MVMF Website: Would you like to host your own event to benefit MVMF Scholarships?
Now on the MVMF website under the Events tab is an Event Planning Kit, designed to let you plan your own fundraising event-whether it is a private party, sporting event, shopping party, or Beer/Wine Tasting. Check it out!