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Dr. L. Kern and Jean Schwartz Food Production Scholarship established for MVMF

Dr. L. Kern and Jean Schwartz announced that they will be donating a Food Production Scholarship in their estate to the MVMF for a junior or senior veterinary student.

Dr. Schwartz, a 1958 graduate of the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, practiced in Worthington, Minnesota for many years before retiring. A native of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, he remembers being interested in veterinary medicine in sixth grade “after my canary died.”

During his career, Dr. Schwartz enjoyed working with the farmers rather than the managers of corporate farms. As he put it, “that wasn’t the real thing.”

The scholarship will be named the Dr. L. Kern and Jean Schwartz Food Production Scholarship. Funds from the sale of their property will fund the $100,000 trust. 80% of interest will go to the scholarship, and 20% will go back into the trust to grow the corpus.

As to why he decided on MVMF for his family scholarship, he said, “this (MVMF) is where it’s at-they have helped me a lot.” The Schwartz family established a scholarship for students from their church in Worthington previously, and now extend their philanthropy to MVMF.

Dr. Schwartz said, “The veterinary profession has been good to me and I would like to share my good fortune with young people.”

The MVMF board and staff extends a sincere thank you to the Schwartz family for their leadership in philanthropy for the veterinary profession.

If you are interested in learning more about planned giving, please contact Inez Bergquist at the MVMF, (651) 645-7533 or email

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