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Click here to see how many births we've had at the Miracle of Birth Center

LIVE From the Fair

Date    Calves              Piglets             Lamb

8/25     1 & 2                  15                      3

  8/26     1 & 1                  15                   1 & 2

  8/27     1                    17 & 15               2 & 3

8/28      1                       15                   2 & 3

MVMF has given over $137,000 in support to The Miracle of Birth Center

How We Help: 

Provide funding for the operational support for the Miracle of Birth Center. The most popular free exhibit at the fair, which educates the public on the vital role that animal agriculture and veterinary medicine plays in the state of Minnesota.

“The MVMF helped us move into the new Miracle of Birth Center building and continues to fund the yearly operations..  This exhibit is so beneficial in helping to educate the public about agriculture and the miracle of animal birth. “ MOBC Co-Chair, Dr. Mary Olson

The Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation raises money by in kind donations, golf and clay shoot events and the silent auction at the Annual MVMA Meeting. The MVMF then gives to Grant requests that support animal health and well being. The MVMF also gives scholarships to students in the profession and also for educating the public on keeping animals healthy and happy. Click here to see our History of Giving


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