6th Annual Shoot for the Future a Great Success!
It was a beautiful October autumn day for the MVMF 7th annual shoot at Wild Marsh Shooting Clays in Clear Lake, Minnesota. We raised over $60,000 for the foundation through sponsorships, donation, and 165 shooter registration with-a record turnout!
Chair Nona Nesseth from Boehringer-Ingelheim and her dedicated committee did another fantastic job this year with a special thanks to Dave Agre from Merial, Dr. Dave Brewer from Rockford Road Animal Hospital, Jim Friend from Anchor Bank, Paula Funk from New Hope Animal Hospital, Rod Taylor from Midwest Veterinary Supply, Jayde Quigley from Animal Emergency and Referral Center, Dr. Dick Reierson from Elm Creek Animal Hospital, Dr. Chuck Schwantes from Prior Lake Pet Hospital, Kristin Garlick with Veterinary Management and Accounting Solutions, Jeff Benson with VHA and Linda Spengler from Veterinary Management Services. Thank you!
The committee also appreciates the help and support of those who helped with the many shooting stations, course and club house games as well as helping with the set-up before the shooters arrived. Once again Dr. Chuck Schwantes came up with an Election Selection and Pokemon Bow games, and back by popular demand was Green Hornet, In Between, Cat and Mouse, and Pot Shot games.
After the shoot the group had another excellent Prime Rib and Chicken Boursin dinner from Jack and Jim’s, together with a program presenting the winning teams, a live auction, and raffle winners. This year our live auctioneer was Scott Caverly who auctioned off a hunt at Caribou game facility, won by Linda Spengler; a South Dakota hunting trip, won by Don Hanson; another pheasant hunt won by Lucas Brock; one year’s worth of Purina Nutrition, won by Dr. Chris Nord; a half lamb, won by Dr. Dick Reierson, and a Hill’s Pet food prize won by Jackie Todd. Jeff Benson won the gun board, winning a beautiful Benelli 12 gauge shotgun, donated by Dr. Jim Wood. Dr. Grant Gugisberg won the extremely popular Yeti package donated by Dr. Brent Born of the Kenyon Veterinary Clinic.
Our Shoot for the Future Event Sponsor was once again Boehringer Ingelheim, with Midwest Veterinary Supply as a Gold Medal Sponsor and Affiliated Emergency Veterinary Service as our Dinner Sponsor.
Thank you to these very generous companies! Our day could not have been a success without the enthusiastic participation by so many committed members of the veterinary community.